
Technology Shopping Cart 26 Sep 2008 Text Transcript


10:48 klmontgomery : thanks scott.

10:48 klmontgomery : thanks brad.

10:48 scottmerrick : need to scrole down for that one

10:48 scottmerrick : :)

10:50 scottmerrick : in a conversation with Steve Hargadon this past summer, he mused that perhaps the best way to introduce teachers and administrators is to guide them to become "content creators" themselves, whether it's blogging or simply participating by commenting on blogs of their interest

10:52 scottmerrick : Exactly what Steve was saying

10:52 shirley8153 : yes, small steps; hard to be incremental when we want revolution but yes small steps

10:52 scottmerrick : "the first taste is free"

10:53 scottmerrick : "cost of adoption"

10:53 wfryer : time investments

10:53 shirley8153 : starting with RSS feeds, reading other blogs is a good start

10:53 wfryer : "we are trying to bleed so the teachers don't have to"

10:54 klmontgomery : always start with delicious when asked what web 2.0 tool should I start with?

10:54 * scottmerrick laughs

10:55 klmontgomery : Check out

10:56 scottmerrick : because they're teaching to the test?

10:57 scottmerrick : -- anybody watch that? Very good to share, very unsettling too

10:58 ustreamer-6372 : I impressed one of my teachers by showing her how to use delicious as a search engine

10:59 scottmerrick : weeeeee, very cool!

11:00 wfryer :

11:00 dabigleap : @wfryer- I've got a geek of the week too if we have time

11:00 wfryer : @dabigleap ok great Bob, we'll go to you next

11:01 ustreamer-6372 : I took a web 2.0 class this summer and I learned so much about web 2.0 applications. I'm demonstrating them to my teachers by using them. I used a podcast to do my opening intro this year. I also used Survey Monkey to survey the teachers about something.

11:01 ustreamer-6372 : My assistant principal allowed me to demonstrate the Promethean board to the faculty

11:01 scottmerrick : If you get time I'd love to hear what ya'll think about the Google 10to100Project. I was all for it 'til I read a thought-provoking editorial at PCMagazine...

11:01 wfryer : that is great! Was it the PBwiki class this summer or something else you took?

11:02 wfryer : scott do you have a link to that editorial?

11:02 ustreamer-6372 : it was through my library school. We didn't learn pb wiki. We used wikispaces.

11:02 dabigleap : GOTW:

11:03 wfryer : diigo educator accounts for students

11:03 ustreamer-6372 : could you use diigo instead of a class blog?

11:04 dabigleap : different service. Diigo is Social Bookmarking. Could definitely be used in conjunction with one though.

11:04 wfryer :

11:04 scottmerrick : oops was Information week:

11:04 scottmerrick :

11:04 ustreamer-6372 : so diigo could be used instead of delicious?

11:05 dabigleap : you CAN, access your blog and make entries from the Diigo toolbar.

11:05 dabigleap : yes, Diigo could be used instead of delicious (I use both. I post to Diigo and then Diigo updates Delicious)

11:05 wfryer :

11:05 dabigleap :

11:05 scottmerrick : The 10to100th project is at

11:06 wfryer :

11:08 klmontgomery :

11:10 justinreeve : the only reason I don't use Diigo that much myself is because Delicious has a more mature API, and I use Delicious for our district's "Link of the Day":

11:10 scottmerrick : Buzzword's a lot "sexier" looking, very fun interface

11:11 wfryer :

11:11 scottmerrick : woowoo thanks. that sounds like something I'll use today!

11:11 klmontgomery : I am a delicious fan, but I do like the way groups are handled in Diigo.

11:12 ghartman : Our district is using for virtual teacher collaboration

11:12 klmontgomery : Hi ghartman. Thanks for joining.

11:13 ghartman : Hi Karen!

11:13 ghartman : I would like to see those comparisons Wess.

11:14 wfryer :

11:14 klmontgomery : My news item

11:14 scottmerrick : is also a nice recently released desktop platform

11:14 wfryer :

11:15 wfryer : camtwist

11:15 * scottmerrick laughs and makes a cross with fingers

11:15 wfryer :

11:16 justinreeve : ooVoo keeps removing features they made available for free in the beta

11:16 justinreeve : it's kind of annoying

11:16 scottmerrick : Thank you all

11:16 justinreeve : I mean, I know that's common with beta products nowadays, but somehow ooVoo just struck a wrong chord when they did that

11:17 wfryer : yes that does feel weird

11:17 scottmerrick : thanks justinreeve i haven't looked at it lately, sounds like an aggressive marketing style

11:17 wfryer : they must be unsure about their monetization plan

11:17 scottmerrick : "Be Good and Have Fun"

11:17 justinreeve : I think they have a plan, but they just didn't realize how much it would annoy me, the consumer.

11:18 justinreeve : For instance, when I started using it, I had unlimited phone minutes to use, so I could just call people directly from ooVoo. Then that reduced to 3000. Then one day, with no warning, it was at 0.

11:18 justinreeve : I at least want an explanation. And I think Skype ends up being cheaper anyway.

11:19 scottmerrick : "Ahm doin' the best I can, Captain, she won't take another ounce of warp!"

11:19 wfryer : "if you have time to read everything your students are writing, they are not writing enough"- you have to be an active participant, - Konrad Glogowski

11:19 wfryer :

11:19 dabigleap : STAR TREK REFERENCE.... love it.

11:20 ustreamer-6372 : live long and prosper!

11:20 klmontgomery : Beam Me Up, Scottie!

11:20 dabigleap : look... nerds...

11:20 shirley8153 : thanks for the great information and collaboration!

11:21 scottmerrick : Thanks all!!!!

11:21 bmeyerhoff : Thank you everyone!

11:21 justinreeve : thank you!

11:22 dabigleap : thanks everybody

11:24 justinreeve : don't forget, nerds rule the WORLD!

11:24 wfryer : :-)