If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.
Update 25 August 2010:
In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.
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Introduction to Educational Podcasting
Podcasting involves the online publication of digital files (audio, video, or other formats) within a channel to which others can subscribe and obtain updates. In this session we'll learn how to utilize free podcatching software (including iTunes) to download and subscribe to podcasts, as well as how to use free software (Audacity) to create and publish audio podcasts on your classroom or personal website. These podcasts can include recorded teacher-lectures, student projects, student-created news programs, or almost anything else. Synchronizing audio podcast recordings to PowerPoint slides will also be demonstrated using the free website SlideShare. No previous experience with podcasting or audio recording is required for this session!
Session Resources
Generally people think of podcasts as web feeds of audio recordings, but they can also contain other media types. A podcast can contain any type of file: audio, video, PDF, or other. Feeds let you pull information when you want it, rather than having it pushed to you like spam. Podcasts use feeds so people can SUBSCRIBE to them with podcatching software like iTunes or Juice. Podcasts are different from web-based audio and video files because their feed permits subscribing and automatic transfer of the files to a portable device like an iPod, letting people time and place shift when they consume media. This image shows the process of creating and sharing podcasts. The following PPT presentation "Why Podcast" describes different reasons teachers should consider using podcasting for learning and assessment: why-podcast.ppt
- Audacity: audio-only podcasts (Free - Windows/Mac/Linux)
- Garageband: audio-only and enhanced podcasts (Included with OS X - Macintosh)
- Podguide Generator: enhanced podcasts (Free - Windows/Mac/Linux)
- Other Commercial Audio Software
- Win/Mac: Digidesign Pro Tools, Adobe SoundBooth (in beta)
- Win only: Adobe Audition, GoldWave, Sony Sound Forge, Steinberg WaveLab
- Mac only: BIAS Peak - Ubercaster
How-To Guides and Articles |
- PoducateMe Podcasting Guide (free to view online)
- Podcasting resources from UVA
- Audacity (Windows or Macintosh or Linux)
- Audacity QuickStart Guide from Celebrate Oklahoma Voices (4 page PDF)
- Audacity QuickStart Guide (2 page PDF)
- Audacity Basics (2 page PDF)
- Audacity Basic Tutorials
- Audacity How-To
- More Audacity How-To Guides
- Garageband (Macintosh)
- Apple's Getting Started with GarageBand (PDF)
- GarageBand Multimedia Tutorials
- Microphone Placement Tutorials
- From Adam Weiss (excellent short video tutorial)
- From Shure (list of tips with illustrations)
- General
- Podcast For Free - How-to guide on steps to podcast
- Classroom Audio Podcasting is an article providing 10 reasons why teachers should setup and use classroom podcasts to engage learners.
- Carol Anne McGuire’s presentation \"Podcasting On A Global Scale\" from MacWorld2007
- General podcast examples
- NPR Podcasts
- Talking History
- Science Friday - 2006 Nobel Prize Winners
- Science at NASA Podcast
- Podguides - audio tours of locations
- Professional development podcast examples
- EdTech Talk (International webcasts / podcasts)
- Bit by Bit (Bob Sprankle)
- Connect Learning (David Warlick)
- Speaking of History (Eric Langhorst)
- Elementary Classroom/School podcast examples
- Tracy B's 1st Grade wiki and podcast
- Mrs. Berthiume's 1st Grade Podcast
- Mrs. Wieland's Class podcast (New Jersey - uses Podomatic)
- Mustang News Radio: The official radio broadcast created by the students of Monroe Road Elementary School
- Room208
- Radio WillowWeb - Radio WillowWeb Planning Guide (pdf)
- Year 6/7 Blog
- More classroom podcast examples
- Langwitches (ESL podcasting)
- TechTime with Mr. S (Computer lab podcast: Bob Sprankle)
- Mother's Day Podcasts 2009 (from Oklahoma PreK students)
- Mother's Day Podcasts from Carol Ann McGuire's students
- Rock Our World (an international project using podcasting and videoconferencing)
- Sherry Hatcher's 4th Grade Podcasts from Del City, Oklahoma
- Secondary Teacher and Classroom Podcasts
- Mr Hardy's French Class podcast (Carrollton-Farmers Branch, Texas) - L’histoire de Bob et de Marie
- University Student and organization podcast examples
- Course-Casting: Course Content Delivery, Empowering Students with asynchronous/non-interactive content, aka podcast lectures (Physics 415: Thermal and Statistical Physics by Dr Carlson at Purdue, Faculty lectures in Stanford on iTunes)
- Interactive and Reflective Q&A: Dr David B. Miller’s iCube podcasts (undergrad General Psychology at The University of Connecticut)
- Storytelling and Public Relations: College Public Relations (Research at Chicago, Texas Tech College of Education Podcasts)
- Virtual Conference/Symposium Resources: Extending a Conference or Symposium Dialog/Conversations (Duke Podcasting Symposium, UBC Podcasts, UNL Podcasts, Washington College of Law Podcasts, University of Virginia Podcasts, Podcastercon2006)
- Student Projects: Permiting students to demonstrate their understanding, knowledge and skills through an original podcast (iGeneration from the Univ of Western Australia - Example: Christianity, The Teacher as Leader: An Interview with John Dewey)
- Collaborative/Team Podcasting
- Talking Science
- Plan: Storyboard and Write
- Produce: Record the pieces
- Chop: Edit the pieces
- Publish: Share your creation
- Classroom Audio Podcasting by Wesley Fryer
- Interpreting Audio Waveforms: QuickStart: Digital Audio Editing by David Battino
Resources for Creating Podcasts |
- Dan Schmidt's KidCast book is a GREAT resource on classroom podcasting!
- Vocaroo - Very easy website for recording audio in a browser (no-edit podcasts)
- LibSyn - Unmetered, reasonably priced hosting for podcasts
- Podcasting tips from Podomatic
- PDF Segment Planning Booklet for Radio WillowWeb
- Sound Resources from Hall Davidson (Word file)
- Music clips from Talking Science
- Podsafe Music Network - After registering as a podcaster (email required) you can download copyright-friendly MP3 music files to use in podcasts.
- CCMixter - Good source for music to remix
- Other Free Audio sources for podcasts
- Flickr Creative Commons
- Maria Henderson's Podcasting in Education
- Wesley's Podcasting Help page
- Wesley's podcasting social bookmarks
- John Evans' podcasting resources
- Tony Vincent's podcasting pages
- Slideshare
- Make your PowerPoint/Keynote presentation or slideshow into a narrated slideshow as a Slidecast (for free)
- Slidecast example from eTechOhio 2009
- Quickstart Guide for SlideShare (1 page PDF)
- Quickstart Guide for SlideCasts (1 page PDF)
- PodoMatic - free channels for publishing podcasts
- GCast - Free to upload mp3 audio files as podcasts, create your own channels ($99 per year to use for phonecasting)
- PodcastPeople - Website with free space (adequate for most classroom teachers) to publish podcasts and create the web feed (RSS)
- EasyPodcast - A PDF tutorial is available
- Publish podcasts less than 2 MB in size for free with Taking it Global for Educators. (Learn how by watching Robert Karulas’s presentation for K-12 Online
- iWeb (Macintosh only, included with iLife06)
- Podcasting: Tools to convert blog posts to podcasts
- Talkr
- Odiogo
Free Audio and Video Converter Software Options |
- For Video conversion on Windows: Prism Video Converter or Jodix' Free Windows-Media to iPod compatible video converter
- For Video conversion on Macintosh: iSquint or ffmpegX
Portable Recording Options |
- My current favorite: Sony UX-70 mp3 digital audio recorder
- Add a recorder to an iPod: Belkin has a mic for the iPod video
- A favorite: the Olympus WS-110 recorder (cross platform and about $58)
- Used iRiver recorders can be purchased on eBay
See my workshop on Intermediate and Advanced Podcasting topics for more resources, including info on copyright, RSS feed creation, hosting options, and more.
See my workshop on Digital Music for more on creating your own podcast intros, outros, and transition music clips.
Yappler has a great collection of education-specific applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch / iTouch
- Attribution sources for session on 'Cultivating Digital Literacy Through Classroom Podcasting' (a public Google notebook)
- Responses to 3 Little Pigs introductory podcasting activity
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