Oklahoma Digital Centennial Project
The ODCP project will enable schools across the great State of Oklahoma to develop digital stories using a digital story guide for submitting individual or classroom projects about Oklahoma history that is unique to their county. The project will also explore and test a wide range of technology that is available for teaching and integrating technology in the classroom. Additionally the ODCP will train over forty teachers a year who will learn the neces- sary skills of integrating technology into the classroom, facilitate regional events and hold videoconferencing seminars with other schools within the state of Oklahoma.
Presentation Podcast
An audio podcast recording of this presentation, shared at the EncycloMedia 2007 conference in August 2007 in Oklahoma City, is available.
- Oklahoma Digital Centennial Project (site hosted by Enid Public Schools)
- OKDC Project Flyer (4 page PDF handout shared at this session)
- Celebrate Oklahoma Ning
- Oklahoma Digital Centennial Flickr Group
- Oklahoma Heritage Association
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