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by Wesley Fryer 14 years, 8 months ago
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Internet Safety and Social Networking for Parents
It is relatively easy for someone to SCARE parents away from the Internet. There ARE bad things and people making bad choices on the Internet, but there are many compelling resources and interactive tools available which can be used for learning and communication. In this session we'll focus on practical things parents can do with children of different ages to promote safe online behavior and also help young people develop the ethical capacities to make good decisions as well as remain open to communicating about their online experiences with others.
Videos about Internet Safety are available!
Parents Need to Know:
- Child predators ARE on the Internet, but it IS possible to use the wonderful resources and tools available online SAFELY.
- Regular communication about online as well as face to face activities is the KEY to remaining safe.
- It is possible to view the WEB HISTORY of sites your children or others have visited on your home computer and network.
- Cyberbullying is a real problem, like traditional bullying. Kids need to know it is OK to talk about it, and there ARE things that can be done to address it.
- Kids need safe search engines to use when they are researching information online. (Set up Google Strict filtering, Use Ask for Kids or other kid-friendly search sites.Cconsider purchasing access to a kid search service like NetTrekker Home.)
Parents and Kids Need To DO:
- RULES: Discuss and agree on rules for online behavior (Suggestions are available from GetNetWise and The Parent's Edge has a good suggested "contract")
- Set up a free home network content filter with OpenDNS. (this insures ALL websites accessed from ANY computer in your home are filtered)
- Decide if you want to use parental control software on your home computers, and what settings are appropriate for your children.
- Discuss how malware (bad computer programs you don't want that are often used for identity theft) can be downloaded on Windows-based computers even if content filters are in place. Talk about how to avoid malware. (Consider purchasing a Macintosh!)
- LIMITS: Decide what time limits your family will establish for using digital devices. (computers, console games, cell phones, handheld games, televisions, etc.)
- WHAT TO DO: Discuss what to do when you encounter something inappropriate online.
- Google yourself and Google your children! Google is assembling a digital porfolio about us all right now, and we need to monitor and manage our online identities!
- If you have pre-teen children, consider the following websites for safe online social networking: Imbee, Webkinz, Club Penguin, NeoPets, and Millsberry. If you have daughters, be aware of Stardoll and why it may NOT be appropriate.
- If you have teenage children:
- Sit down and have them show you their profile on the social networking sites they belong to. (A comprehensive list is on WikiPedia)
- Create an account on the social networking sites your teen uses. (Facebook, MySpace, Xanga, MyYearbook.com)
- "Friend" each other on those social networking sites.
- Explore the profile pages of your teen's friends on social networking sites.
- Discuss how ANYTHING they or their friends put on their social networking sites can LIVE FOREVER online. (This can affect their future college applications, scholarships, sports team participation, fraternity/sorority membership, employment possibilities, etc.)
- Regularly "check in" face-to-face and online with your teen!
- Simply installing an instant messaging or audio/video conferencing program (like Skype) on your computer does NOT immediately bring Internet predators into your computer/home.
- Discuss why it is NEVER a good idea to meet someone face to face you only have met online, or to WANDER AROUND open chat rooms talking to people you don't know.
- Discuss how people can be dishonest and misleading online.
- Discuss ways to create and use SAFE profiles and IM screennames (no birthdates, real names, city or school names, and other names which divulge personal information.)
- Working to Halt Online Abuse has a good set of guidelines and suggestions.
- AOL also has published guidelines for IM focusing on safety and security.
Stay up to date!
... on social networking, Internet safety, and parenting suggestions by joining the social networks below and using these websites:
- Internet Safety
- Digital Dialog Ning: Get up to date, Stay connected, Get Answers!
- Net Family News
- The Parent's Edge
- Wesley's social bookmarks for "Internet Safety"
- Media Literacy
- Media Snackers
- ParentsTV.org
- Understand Media
- Alliance for a Media Literate America
- Wesley's social bookmarks for "Media Literacy"
Presentation Slides
- Survive and Thrive Conference - 14 June 2008 (PDF - 5.6 MB)
Thoughts on Digital Citizenship
Blog Posts:
- Understanding and respecting copyright a problem for many - Monday, January 21st, 2008
- Wrestling with website registration limits - Saturday, December 15th, 2007
- MySpace defamation suit highlights important issues - Sunday, April 8th, 2007
- Cyberbullying and death threats - Tuesday, March 27th, 2007
- Imagination used for good and evil - Tuesday, February 20th, 2007
- Online identities, anonymity, and consequences for digital behavior - Saturday, January 6th, 2007
- Digital ethics and citizenship- Friday, January 5th, 2007
- Podcast219: Powerful Tools, Powerful Possibilities - Monday, January 21st, 2008
- Podcast203: Empowering and Protecting Tomorrow’s Digital Citizens (with Miguel Guhlin) - Thursday, November 8th, 2007
- Podcast200: Moving Beyond the Fear Factor With Internet Safety - Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
- Podcast180: Conversations about Digital Social Networking and Internet Safety - Friday, August 17th, 2007
Other Referenced Resources:
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