

Page history last edited by Wesley Fryer 15 years ago

If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.


Update 25 August 2010:

In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.


Stay updated on my latest posts by following me on Twitter, my blog ("Moving at the Speed of Creativity") and Facebook.



All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

More attribution guidance is available.


Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning / Digitally Interactive Learning


Good teaching is similar in many ways to good cooking. Recipes are helpful, but master cooks often modify those to meet different needs and situations. The same is true for teachers. If we extend this analogy of cooking to teaching and learning in a web 2.0 world, what are the best "ingredients" to use as we help both teachers and students learn to be more effective, safe, and powerful communicators in our flat world? As we blend learning by providing digital opportunities to interact with content and individuals along with face-to-face, synchronous interaction, we can increase student engagement as well as student achievement. In this working session we will focus on several key ingredients identified in the forthcoming book Powerful Ingredients: Social Bookmarking, Collaborative Document Writing, Synchronous Conferencing, Online Photo Sharing, Minimal Click Digital Storytelling, Podcasting, Feed Readers / Information Portals, Online Video Sharing, Blogging, and Mobile Ingredients.  A framework for redefining "computer literacy" beyond its traditional focus on productivity software tools will be proposed and explored in this session, including for levels of educator engagement with powerful ingredients. Let's learn to cook up some gourmet learning with some powerful (and free) web 2.0 tools!


Last updated 11/10/2009 by Wesley Fryer.


Upcoming and Past Presentations: 


Resources from One to One Institute: 10 November 2009

  1. Presentation Slides (PDF - 3.1 MB)
  2. YouTube: Sarah's Response to President Obama's Speech
  3. NPR: Teach Naked: Dean Urges Tech-Free Classes
  4. Google Video: Educational Podcasting in Woodland Park Colorado
  5. Brian Crosby's K12Online08 Presentation: Video-Conferencing It’s Easy, Free and Powerful
  6. Inclusion Video about Skype and Celeste in Brian Crosby's 5th grade classroom, Reno, Nevada
  7. Our open text PollEverywhere poll about Brian Crosby's video
  8. The free online timer I used in the session
  9. YouTube: "I Need My Teachers to Learn" by Kevin Honeycutt


Slides from July 7, 2009 on SlideShare


Polls for July 7, 2009

Polls from June 3, 2009:


Videos for PD (most of the videos shared in the workshop should be included on this list!)


The "Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning" Project

  1. The book
  2. The blog
  3. The learning community



  1. Social Bookmarking
  2. Collaborative Document Writing
  3. Synchronous Conferencing
  4. Online Photo Sharing
  5. Minimal Click Digital Storytelling
  6. Podcasting
  7. Feed Readers / Information Portals
  8. Online Video Sharing
  9. Blogging
  10. Mobile Ingredients


Litmus Tests for 21st Century Educator Professional Development

  1. More workshop time is spent DOING/PRACTICING rather than LISTENING.
  2. Handouts are not printed: Instead a single URL is provided for all resources.
  3. Knowledge products are created by participants.
  4. Opportunties to extend and continue learning online are provided.
  5. Technology ABUSE is avoided: Interactive tools are used interactively (synchronous / non-interactive moments are avoided)

Top Digital Tools?

  1. Blog post question responses (12/17/2007)
  2. Top 100 Tools by Popularity (July/August 2007 - poll by Jane Hart in England’s Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies)


1. Social Bookmarking

  1. Poll: 
  2. Getting started with delicious (from delicious.com)
  3. delicious-quickstart.pdf
  4. Explore the bookmarks of people in my network
  5. "Social Bookmarks 101" - TechEdge Article: HTML or PDF
  6. Most basic uses of the web: Locate and share information on websites
  7. "Traditional" (if we can use that term to describe something just a few years old) methods for saving websites included saving bookmarks or favorites to a local computer's hard drive using a web browser. This was great but inherently limited, since those saved websites could ONLY be accessed on ONE COMPUTER with the ONE WEB BROWSER in which they were saved.
  8. In contrast, social bookmarking involves the use of web-based services to save and share Internet bookmarks. Social bookmarks are MUCH MORE POWERFUL because they allow MULTIPLE COMPUTERS to access them, MULTIPLE PEOPLE to access them, and through tagging (adding metadata) lead to the organic creation of folksonomies of web links.
  9. Collections of web links organized by their tags are sometimes called tag clouds. Examples include:
    1. The current del.icio.us tag cloud:  Sample Tag Cloud in del.icio.us of popular tags
    2. The current Flickr tag cloud: Current popular Flickr Tag Cloud
    3. My del.icio.us links shown as a cloud
    4. Wordle is a free website which allows you to create Word Clouds with any text
  10. WikiPedia's updated list of social software has a list of over 20 different social bookmarking services.
  11. My favorite (and the tool I've invested in, with over 2800 saved and shared bookmarks to date) is del.icio.us. I like del.icio.us' ease of use, the large user base which makes social sharing / networking / discovery of similar links very powerful, and its support of RSS standards. My del.icio.us network is a dynamic list of links shared by others whose interests are close to mine. It's always easy to find great, new, web resources in my del.icio.us network! :-)
  12. To get started using del.icio.us, register for a free account.
  13. Add the del.icio.us browser buttons to the web browser(s) you use most often to make it easy to add new URLs to your account. This page describes other options for bookmarking with del.icio.us (including a FireFox extension.)
  14. Feel free to add me (wfryer) to your del.icio.us network!

2. Collaborative Document Writing

  1. Wikis (PBwiki, WikiSpaces, WetPaint, etc.) - List of Wikis on WikiPedia
  2. Google Docs
  3. Curriculum Writing Example: Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project curriculum
  4. Get Wiki With It!

3. Synchronous Conferencing

  1. "Videoconferencing: It's Easy, Free and Powerful" by Brian Crosby (K12Online08)
  2. H.323 Videoconferencing (WikiPedia)
  3. Videoconference from Pearl Harbor: 12/6/2007 (in 3 parts)
  4. Commercial Videoconferencing Options:
    1. Tandberg
    2. Polycom
  5. Desktop Videoconferencing Options:
    1. Skype
    2. iChat
  6. Webinar / Web Conferencing Options
    1. Elluminate
    2. Adobe Acrobat Connect
    3. Oovoo
    4. DimDim
    5. WebEx
    6. Google Presentations
    7. Google Wave (in development)
  7. Webcasting
    1. Ustream.tv
    2. LiveStream (formerly Mogulus)
  8. Videoconferencing Collaborations and Virtual Field Trips (both via videoconferencing and via web browsers

4. Online Photo Sharing

  1. Images
    1. The case against Google Images
    2. Flickr
      1. Flickr Creative Commons
      2. Compfight.com
      3. FlickrStorm
    3. flickr-quickstart.pdf
    4. Flickr Creative Commons Image Search
  2. Copyright
    1. HCF: Homegrown, Creative Commons, Fair Use
    2. Copyright For Educators (Slidecast on SlideShare, ITSC Feb 2009)
    3. Creative Commons
    4. Educause: "7 Things You Should Know About Creative Commons" (PDF)
  3. http://www.pics4learning.com/

3. "Minimal click" digital storytelling

  1. Digital Storytelling on a Shoestring
  2. Compelling stories from the Center for Digital Storytelling
  3. Mother's Day Podcasts 2009 with GCast (free to upload audio and create podcast feeds)
  4. Recommended recorders:
    1. Sony ICD-UX70 Digital Voice and MP3 Recorder
    2. Olympus WS-110 recorder
    3. Easi-Speak Microphone (UK)
  5. Great Book Stories: A collaborative digital storytelling project focused on sharing great books
  6. Voicethread.com
    1. Bill Ferriter's "Using Voicethread for Digital Conversations" (includes printable handouts)
    2. VoiceThread for Education
    3. The Great Book Stories Project (open to all students and teachers)
    4. Reflections on the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    5. Voicethread 4 Education wiki
    6. Mathcasts (Math247 - A project using VoiceThreads)
    7. VoiceThread Examples from Karl Fisch
    8. VoiceThread from Pearl Harbor: 12/4/2007
    9. This is our VoiceThread about Storm Stories
  7. Other Tools
    1. Vocaroo (audio-only)
      1. 1st Grade Example from Mrs. Cassidy (Moose Jaw, Canada)
    2. 50 Ways to tell a Web 2.0 Story (Alan Levine)

6. Podcasting

  1. Intro to Educational Podcasting
  2. Intermediate Educational Podcasting

7. Feed Readers / Information Portals

  1. Aggregator defined (Wikipedia)
  2. Google Reader
  3. iGoogle
  4. Netvibes
  5. PageFlakes

8. Online Video Sharing

  1. http://edublogs.tv/

  2. http://teachertube.com/

  3. http://www.schooltube.com/

  4. http://www.youtube.com/

9. Blogging

  1. Safe Classroom Blogging to Improve Student Writing
  2. Blogging Platforms / Tools
    1. Blogger
    2. Wordpress.com
    3. Edublogs
    4. Wordpress.org (self-hosted)
  3. Microblogging (WikiPedia)
    1. Twitter

10. Mobile Ingredients

  1. Poll Everywhere
  2. Phonecasting or audio recording to the web: Drop.io or Gabcast or Gcast
  3. AudioBoo (iPhone required) Galapagos Tortoises At The OKC Zoo (by Rachel)
  4. Geograffiti (free, any cell phone, linkable, not embeddable, no RSS)
    1. Coronado Expedition Historical Marker By Herington, Kansas (Flickr image)
  5. Publish Audio at Will and Geo-Storychasing
  6. Other mobile web applications


Spices (or other possible ingredients)

  1. Ning - Classroom 2.0, Digital Dialog


Additional Resources

  1. April Dawn's Book of Poetry: \"Saving Me\" (The student-authored poetry book Kevin Honeycutt discussed on 12/17/07 via Skype)
  2. Kevin Honeycutt's website
  3. Video: What is RSS?
  4. My additional workshop curriculum on this website (teachdigital.pbwiki.com) - especially \"Powerful Blending: Using Web 2.0 to Interact, Create, and Assess\"
  5. My blog (speedofcreativity.org)
  6. My presentation from 12/12/2007 over Skype and shared as \"Podcast208: Blending Learning with Powerful Ingredients\"
  7. My keynote at the Austin TechForum on 11/2/2007: \"So The World Is Flat. Now What?\"
  8. My developing wiki and writing project with Karen Montgomery, \"Educational Technology Gourmet\"
  9. Google SMS (free search service via a cell phone)
  10. A Framework for Embedding 21st Century Literacy into Curriculum Planning by Kim Cofino
  11. Googling for Gold


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