  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Wesley Fryer 14 years, 8 months ago

If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.


Update 25 August 2010:

In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.


Stay updated on my latest posts by following me on Twitter, my blog ("Moving at the Speed of Creativity") and Facebook.



All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

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E-Rate Presentation Materials and Resources


I presented seminars on E-Rate in 2006 and 2007 when I worked for AT&T. I no longer work for AT&T and no longer present seminars on E-Rate. These archived presentation materials remain available.



2007 E-Rate Presentation Materials: (PDFs)

  1. Contact Information for Oklahoma Schools


  2. E-rate Overview for Applicants September 2007
  3. E-RATE Timeline
  4. ERate Timetable (General)
  5. ATT SPINs FY2007 SW Region
  6. SLD Handouts
    1. Tip Sheet Applicant Do's and Don'ts
    2. Tip Sheet Competitive Bid Process
    3. Tip Sheet Contracts


The materials below are from my Fall 2006 eRate presentation.


2006 E-Rate Presentation Materials

  1. E-Rate Overview for Applicants: PDF handout
  2. Ways to Avoid E-Rate Funding Denials: PDF handout
  3. Webinars about E-Rate (PDF)
  4. USAC Tip Sheet (PDF)

E-Rate Resources

  1. Oklahoma's new Local Education Agency Technology Plan Requirements
  2. SLD Website: www.universalservice.org/sl
    1. 2007 eRate Eligible Services List
    2. Updated Funding Committments
    3. Data Retrieval Tool
    4. Training Materials and Handouts from 2006 official SLD seminars
    5. E-Rate CIPA compliance info from SLD
    6. Certified Tech Plan Approver Info from SLD
    7. Urban/Rural Classification from SLD
    8. Educational Purposes from SLD
    9. Eligible Products Database from SLD
    10. Current news and updates from SLD
    11. Technology Planning from SLD
  3. E-Rate Manager (Another website with updated E-Rate info)
  4. Cingular E-Rate Contact: Ms. Shandle Hodge, 678.893.1200 phone, 678.893.1181 FAX
  5. Tandberg's E-Rate Survival Guide for Schools (PDF)


Have specific questions relating to E-Rate and AT&T?

  • Contact Carol Chamberlain, AT&T Funding Directory
  • 314-505-0500
  • Email: ch7564 {at} att {dot} com


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