  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Wesley Fryer 14 years, 7 months ago

If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.


Update 25 August 2010:

In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.


Stay updated on my latest posts by following me on Twitter, my blog ("Moving at the Speed of Creativity") and Facebook.



All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

More attribution guidance is available.


Digital Storytelling

As human beings, we are hardwired for storytelling. The motto of the Center for Digital Storytelling is "Listen deeply. Tell stories." Digital storytelling projects can provide ideal opportunities for students to acquire and demonstrate the literacy skills required to thrive in the 21st Century. This workshop provides participants with opportunities to experience both listening and telling digital stories using free software tools.

Learner Outcomes
  1. Understanding and exploring digital storytelling in educational contexts
  2. Understand the Continuum of Digital Storytelling Options
  3. Resources and Strategies for Planning a digital storytelling project
  4. Resources and Strategies for Creating a digital story (using voice-over narration, background music and still images)
  1. Plan: Storyboard and Write
  2. Produce: Record the pieces
  3. Chop: Edit the pieces
  4. Publish: Share your creation
Web-based Digital Storytelling

An increasing number of websites (read/write web or web 2.0 sites) permit users to publish but also edit/create digital stories online.

Publish/Share Digital Stories

  1. dotSUB (all-volunteer, multi-lingual closed-captioning of web videos)
  2. Next Visa for Learning
  3. TeacherTube - Teach The World
  4. UthTV.com - ("youth tv") fosters opportunities for young mediamakers to have their authentic voices heard by a vast audience.
  5. Blip.TV
  6. YouTube

Edit Digital Stories Online

  1. VoiceThread
  2. DigitalStoryteller
  3. BubbleShare
  4. JumpCut
  5. EyeSpot
  6. Viddler
  7. Motionbox
Workshop Curriculum

Depending on time we may use part of the workshop curriculum linked on www.wtvi.com/teks/ds/.

Other Resources
  1. David Jakes' PhotoStory tutorials
  2. Revised Bloom's TaxonomyBernajean Porter's 'DigiTales' Website
  3. CellFlix Film Festival
  4. The Persuasion Map - Great tool for planning and writing
  5. Kitzu: Multimedia project resources (searchable by content area)
  6. Digital Storytelling social bookmarks
  7. Other free Image Sources
  8. The iAudio U2 is a relatively affordable ($80 - $120) cross-platform audio recorder and digital music player (it also has a radio)
  9. American Memory Collection from the US Library of Congress
  1. Film School - An EduTopia article by Jennifer New about the power of digital storytelling to engage students and foster authentic learning
  2. A Teacher's Guide to YouTube - from EduTopia


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