If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.
Update 25 August 2010:
In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.
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The Magic of Digital: Collaborative Interaction in Teacher Professional Development
There is a tangible electricity present when teachers connect with each other, and connect their students to others in safe ways using digital technologies. In this session, we'll share stories about the different ways teachers have and continue to experience this "magical electricity" through synchronous as well as asynchronous digital connections for professional development as well as classroom instruction. To be effective, teachers need to literally EXPERIENCE the constructive power of digital interactions online rather than simply hear about the possiblities in an "awareness workshop." Teachers need to "make stuff" with other teachers using digital tools, and meaningfully collaborate with others over digital networks. We'll explore ways teachers are doing these things today using the technologies present in their classrooms and available read/write web resources.
This presentation is scheduled to be shared at NECC 2008 in San Antonio, Texas, on Wednesday, 7/2/2008, 10:30am–11:30am in HGCC 207 A.
NECC 2008: The Magic of Digital: Collaborative Interaction in Teacher Professional Development
- K-12 Online Conference
- 2007 Shanghai K12onlineconference.org Shanghai LAN Party website!
Presentation Outline:
- Welcome and Overview of Blended PD: Wesley Fryer
- K-12 Online Conference Overview: Darren Kuropatwa
- Perspectives of a Keynoter: Bud Hunt
- Live Events / Fireside Chats: Sheryl Nussbaum Beach
- Building Local and Online Community: Jeff Utech
- Conference Committee Work: Brian Grenier
- Trussville Schools (Alabama) Blended PD: April Chamberlain
- Repurposing Content: Bud Hunt
- 2008 Conference and Changes: Dean Shareski
Resources and links will be added here prior to the presentation, and a podcast recording of the session will be added following the session.
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