

Page history last edited by Wesley Fryer 14 years, 10 months ago

If you are interested in booking me (Wesley Fryer) for a presentation or workshop (either face-to-face or over video) please visit my Speaking page on www.speedofcreativity.org/speaking.


Update 25 August 2010:

In 2010 I am transitioning to the website wiki.wesfryer.com for my handout and presentation/workshop links. I'm not taking content here on PBworks offline, but I have added this "update header" to all my pages as well as adding direct links to more updated versions of these pages as I mirror them / create them on wiki.wesfryer.com. There are 146 pages here on teachdigital.pbworks.com. - You can browse these in page view in addition to using the four category links provided on the homepage. Note this wiki was previously mapped to "handouts.wesfryer.com" but that domain mapping is no longer available.


Stay updated on my latest posts by following me on Twitter, my blog ("Moving at the Speed of Creativity") and Facebook.



All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

More attribution guidance is available.


Cell Phones for Learning

Cell phones are rapidly becoming ubiquitous in many school communities, but their presence in the classroom is commonly viewed as disruptive and unwanted. Modern cell phones offer a variety of capabilities, which are being used effectively by educators in different schools to support curricular learning objectives and boost student achievement. Explore reasons some school districts are embracing the use of cell phones for learning both inside and outside the classroom and examine specific guidelines school districts are utilizing for student cell phones. Explore specific applications of cell phones for learning, including use as electronic response systems, data access, media recording, homework tracking and social networking.

This session is also presented as:

  • Guidelines and Instructional Applications for Cell Phone Use at School
  • Cell Phone Digital Storytelling


Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Project - COV Workshop agenda

My other workshop resources on digital storytelling

Workshop Resources and Media from ITSC 16-17 Feb 2009

  1. Chat log
  2. Our Gabcast Channel for ITSC 2009 (Call 1.888.887.3127 - Channel 27785, PW: 1234)
  3. Our VoiceThread of reflections from ITSC 2009
  4. Qik video reccording examples: Amy on video The Dirty Thirties - Wesley to his sister

Phonecasting - Mobile Audio Recording

  1. Examples: The Story of Richard Ivie - The Dirty Thirties
  2. Drop.io
  3. Gabcast
  4. Gcast
  5. VoiceThread (digital storytelling) - Example: Reflections on the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - NCCE 2008 VoiceThread
  6. Jott (audio to text conversion)

Mobile Photosharing

  1. Flickr Upload by Email
  2. Picassa Mobile Photosharing (to a specific album)
  3. MMS to Web with UphoneBlog

Mobile Video Webcasting / Video Recording

  1. Qik
  2. Wesley's Qik site: qik.com/wfryer - Example Qik video from ITSC09
  3. Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Project Wiki

Other Functions:

Data Access

  1. Google SMS (search)
  2. Mobilicious (del.icio.us social bookmarks on a mobile device)
  3. Delicious Mona (news aggregator)
  4. iTunes U and Mobile Learning (iPhone and iTouch)

Surveys / Polls

  1. Poll Everywhere (Simple Text Message Voting and Polling, PowerPoint Polling - Example)
  2. Wiffiti
  3. Mobiode (Mobile Surveys)

Homework and Alerts

  1. Ravewireless
  2. HomeworkNOW.com (Homework and Assignment Alerts)

Social Networking

  1. MySpace Mobile
  2. Twitter (back channel discussions = Wesley on Twitter)


  1. Connected: The Movie (Abilene Christian University's iPhone Project)
  2. Mobile Phones, Mobile Minds - Teachers TV (26 min, includes student perspectives)
  3. Pay Attention
  4. Rave Wireless video for students and parents
  5. Iqbal Quadir: The power of the mobile phone to end poverty (TED Talk)
  6. Angry Professor

Classroom Examples:

  1. Documenting learning and brainstorming with digital photos
  2. IC Student Wins Cellflix Contest (Ithaca College, New York - 2006)


  1. Classes to be offered via cell phone (12 Nov 2008 - Louisiana)

Other Resources:

Other Interesting Uses for Cell Phones

This session has been previously shared during:

  • Instructional Technologies Strategies Conference (ITAC) in Portland, Oregon - 16 & 17 February 2009
  • Oklahoma Distance Learning Association (ODLA) Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - 14 November 2008
  • TechCON in Chicago, Illinois - 17 October 2008 (Presentation slides are available as a PDF)
  • COSN Conference in Washington D.C. - 10 March 2008
  • NCCE Conference in Seattle, Washington - 27 Feb 2008
  • Yukon, Oklahoma Schools district-wide technology integration PD day - 18 Feb 2008
  • STARtech Conference in Salina, Kansas - 21 Jan 2008




All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

More attribution guideance is available.


More websites by Wesley!


Visit my blog, "Moving at the Speed of Creativity," at www.speedofcreativity.org. All my public Google Notebooks are available. A fairly comprehensive list of websites I maintain and to which I contribute is on claimid.com/wfryer.

Alternate session description: iPhones in the classroom? Are you kidding? No I'm not! Cell phones are often banned in the classroom or banned entirely from schools. Most cell phones today have more computing power than those available to NASA during the Apollo space program, however. In this session we'll explore ways cell phones, including the iPhone but not JUST the iPhone, can be used to help learners access web-based content, remix it, share it, collaborate with others, and create media-rich deliverables for the classroom teacher as well as a global audience. A specific focus on using cell phones as mobile recorders for digital storytelling projects, like the Library of Congress' Veteran Oral History Project, will also be included, as well as the use of cell phones as electronic response system input devices via SMS.


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